
Showing posts from January, 2014

Why am I here? A journey from middle school to high school.

Carina’s sophomore year in high school I picked my daughter up from school the other day. During the twenty-minute drive home she announced that she had finished her personal essay for English Class. Well, of course I was thrilled. She had a busy weekend ahead of her and she needed to finish all of her assignments before she went off to participate in a Lacrosse Camp. She asked me if I would like to hear what she wrote. I said of course as I drove her and my two other daughters home after a long day. It was dark out and I was prepared to listen but I was not prepared for what I actually heard.  I thought it would be another one of those English essays that she rushed through or did the bare minimum. I will admit to a time or two when I have told her, “That was horrible” or “I believe that was the worst paper you have ever written.” I have always known she was capable of more and I was always hoping she would discover that as well. As she read me her paper I was found speechles